Progress Shots
Thanks. Doug Foscale, the producer of the Fos Scale Department of Docks kit, is hard to deal with -- he'll take your payment for a big-bucks big-box kit and then take weeks and weeks to send it -- he apparently waits to make up a batch of them when he has enough orders. That ticks me off, he gets my Benjamins and then suits himself. I have my eye on another one, but am reluctant to go through that again. At one point, I was waiting so long, I saw something else I wanted more with the money and demanded a refund if he couldn't supply the kit in a reasonable time!

Still playing around, I tried moving some King Mill flats from elsewhere on the layout and put them behind the scene:
I'm starting to like the idea of moving King Mill flats to this area and replacing them in the other spot with something scratchbuilt, almost certainly this scene, which I think would work very well as a set of flats:
And on the subject of junk yards, here is my all-time favorite prototype, off the beaten path in Chemurgic, CA:

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