Mixed feelings about my LHS
I've been using an LHS near my home for almost 10 years now. It's a mom and pop shop, with lots of character. Lately, however, I've been a bit miffed with it.

They know me well there. When I first got into this hobby, I would take various older locos in there for servicing or repair. Occasionally, I would trade some in and buy more things from their shop. In more recent years, I often run in there to buy track or any misc odds and ends. About 1-2 times a year I will buy something substantial from them, such as a loco.

The shop is quirky in that it's often crowded with boxes and unsorted items, but they've always given me good, friendly service. They also put a monthly MRR magazine aside for me which I assume they do simply to keep me coming back, since stores make very little profit from magazines...

About 3 weeks ago, however, I went in & only the owner was there. He stayed on the phone so long that I gave up and left. It sounded as if it was a casual call.

Then I went in again yesterday and the same thing happened. I patiently waited for 10 minutes before he got off the phone. Still, I left feeling frustrated, thinking that they're not following a good business model!

I don't expect the world to revolve around me & I try to be patient but I was annoyed that this happened two times in a row. I also realize that the seond guy could have been handling an urgent or serious call.

So, am I over-reacting or maybe I've worn out my welcome there? Just curious if anyone has experienced anything similar.

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