Weathering a CN N scale boxcar
Sorry for not replying quickly...I'm flying all over the place this week and away from my computer.

I like using the yellow chalk (very light yellow) and some white on the roof to simulate that sun baked look. I'm not even sure I could take a picture showing the results...the flash might over power the slight shading. I picked up the hint from Joe Fugate's work. He had a suggestion of using yellow on the top of tree limbs to tone down the very uniform green look of most store bought trees. I applied it to chalking cars and it seemed to work well. When I get home, I'll try digging through some pics of my weathered cars and see if there's a good example.'ve got some nice looking weathered cars...I still can't get over that rust effect on the CP car. That looks pretty real.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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