Sorry I just had to do this.
Icon_lol It's all very scientific!! Big Grin Big Grin The speed has to do with Light shifting (There's that "light" thing again) and they can tell how far away by triangulation - They take a picture, then 6 months later take another picture when the Earth is on the opposit side of the sun..

As far as black holes, they detect them by the "bending of Light" behind them - Geeze "light" again!!!!! Big Grin

And finally - what truly boggles my mind is whatever program(s) they are using to predict "where" a planet and it's moons are going to be years from now... Smile They Very Accurately predict when the next 50 to 100 Lunar and Solar Eclipses will be.... and they STILL can't predict the weather Here On Earth!!!!! Eek Goldth Goldth Goldth Goldth

Remember - The Apollo Missions?????? They launched THREE Days before they went into Lunar Insertion Orbit.. When they launched - The Moon was literally Thousands of miles behind where they were heading. The ship had to fly toward empty space and like an arrow "leading a target" they had to hope (and Pray) that the computer was right!!!!!

By the time they got within a few thousand miles of the Moon - It was right where the computer said it would be! Eek ..... and they did it Seven times too!!!

It's the same thing with the International Space Station... They lead and chase it to dock with it - Absolutely amazing!!!!!!

So, with all that in mind.... I wonder if the tunnel is a wormhole??? and the light is actually in another galaxy or another dimension, which would be a perfectly good reason for the Government to want to extinguish it, since "they" might not want "us" to find "them".................... Eek Nope Nope Nope
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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