My observations

Sorry you feel that way. Personally, I'd rather have a lukewarm response than have people blow smoke up my wazoo. I think I understand your frustration, though - I'd rather have criticism I could rebut or build on than no response at all. OTOH, silence could be taken as following Mama's rule... "... if you can't say anything nice".

I guess the big question is: why did you post your pictures if you weren't prepared for criticism? Would you rather have a load of people telling you how crappy your modeling is and how theirs (or usually someone else's since the most vocal critics never seem to have much to show) is so much better? Or a bunch of people telling you how great your modeling is, even if they're insincere about it?

Model railroading is like art. Not everyone is going to like or appreciate what the artist does. If it makes the artist happy, that's all that's important.

If you're happy and proud of what you've done, then post it and share it. But be prepared to get good/bad/indifferent reactions to it. You can't put something up for show on the internet and expect universal praise.

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