Herc Driver's New Layout Under Construction
Scubadude: I'll consider it "stolen" for a good and worthy cause.

Gary and Tetters: Thanks for the comments. I really wondered if I should post any pictures at all, as all I can see is the work left undone. You're right that there's a lot of railroad jammed into a small space...partly to please me and partly to please my two boys. I like long runs, which explains the long mainlines for continuous running. My boys like switching and spotting cars at the various industries. With them running on two hand-held throttles and me using the main power pack, we all get to do what we want without getting in each other's way too often. Plus, the constraints of the room really dictated the overall layout shape and function. Tucking a layout on five shelving units, that you can't cut into, and surrounded by three walls and a low ceiling meant a lot of design considerations. Overall...we like the way it looks and runs. I just have to spend some "quality time" adding the needed scenery.

More to come...

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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