fouler mood (thankyou "Z")
I was at a friends house yesterday, and was going to show some of the photos I had posted on "Z". Got the dreaded "Red X"!! Eek

I didn't realize until this morning that one must be "logged in" to see the photos. In the process of finding this out, I happened to take a moment to read MS' "reasons why", about deleted links.
Being somewhat confused, I ran the post through my "Universal B******t Translator.
The results were. . . well, take a look----- "We deleted all links because we are greedy and want to make our fortune now!, and not have to wait. Your links benefit others and we don't get the money we want. Greed is good! Step between us and our greedy desires and we will delete you. One small step for greedyness, and one enormously gigantic leap for greed itself ."

In slight disbelief, I recalibrated the translator, and got the same results. Oh, the translator indicated the post was made by "AP". . . . . the tech manual indicates that abbreviation means Apex Predator. . .shark? AP? it figures. Icon_lol

Foolish me, I thought even apex predators stopped eating when they were full.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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