fouler mood (thankyou "Z")
I was looking through "Z" for posts that I had written "history" in, of my roads, and their beginnings.........One post originally had photos of my BL20-2's, now, there's links to the attachments, and when the links are clicked on, I get "page cannot be found". I cannot find the photos going to "user CP / attachments", so I guess some attachments are gone forever now. I believe, the post contained a reference to Rail Graphics, so it's possible that they called it "advertising" and "cleaned up the mess", before they lost any money.

The new residents either don't care, or don't have the skills to maintain the old neighborhood, and it's beginning to "go downhill" for lack of adequate, or skilled, maintenance.
So, the paint is flaking off.
Soon, the roofs will begin to leak, and it won't be too long and there'll be a ghost town where there once was a thriving community of people who cared about their neighborhoods.
Perhaps, too soon, the only record of our having been there will be found in the midden heaps.

The year is 1,002,009....Archaeologists excavating in the "lost continent" ( New Jersey), have found yet another set of strange "arch pairs". These latest, seem to have been painted a gold color. The theory that is becoming more, and more accepted is that these must be part of some ancient religion, because they are found in so many widely distributed locations. They are stilled baffled by the depiction of a small "round entity", always found with the inscription "Millions Served". It is believed that this must be the deity worshipped at these sacred places.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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