How to Electrify a railroad
In Philly there are some really neat catenary poles other than the standard K braced ,which I tried to recreate on my Layout.
One of my favorite types are what I call double insulator transmission line or splice poles. These types occur where a transmission line length ends and another length of wire begins.
On the highline at Market street in philly
[Image: IMG_0700.jpg]

High line poles on my layout
[Image: 10_16_09_028.jpg]

Some poles are hybrids mixtures of latice and box columns
[Image: IMG_0438.jpg]

This pict shows a custom pole which I built that is now on my layout in the Arsenal Section
It is a combination of lattice and box column with 2 phase PRR transmission lines and Peco (former Philadelphia electric)overbuild. This pole has double insulators for transmisssion line splice and a signal line splice
[Image: IMG_0107.jpg]

My All time favorites are these
North Philly... Latice offset
[Image: northphilly_catenary_bridge_lat-696x927.jpg]

Chester Valley Yard .. 4 track catilever
[Image: 4TRKCATBRIDGE2.jpg]

Marcus Hook ..Super PECO overbuild
[Image: marcushook_017.jpg]
Steve Smith
1:1 railroad architect
1:87 railroad architect
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