New York Harbor Model Railroading
TCWORLD Wrote:Ahh right. you'll be able to see them as you are probably logged in to the group. The rest of ow wont be able to.

Problem is, I am not currently logged in to where they are stored on that server.........They were linked the same way yesterday when everybody could see them, so I am at a connundrum.......I'll see what I can do to fix things (in otherwords, somewhere lese I can link from that I am already a member of), but it may be a while before I do. Your patience will be rewarded.


Well, for whatever it is worth - I only saw the first picture yesterday (the map) - the link that ended in .jpg. The other images had links ending in something else, and I didn't see them. Today I don't see any of them.

If I do a "quote" on your message and grab the URLs and paste them into a browser URL bar, I get "Document not found" or words to that effect.

Is Yahoo filesystem intended for sharing of files, or just remote storage of files ?

Anyways - looking forward to seeing your images when you get them up somewhere where they can stay permanently and can be viewed by all.


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