Powering frogs on custom line turnouts
I have around 20 to 25 Atlas custom line turnouts already installed on the new layout I am currently building that I know realize most if not all of them will need to have the frogs powered. I was testing out a 2-10-2 that I had just installed a Tsunami sound decoder in last night and at prototypical yard speeds 5mph even the big loco stalled out when it hit the non powered frogs. So I think rather then go the toggle switch route or power via the tortoise switch machines I am going to use Tam Valley Depot's Hex Frog Juicer, You can power up to six frogs with one board and you need to run a single wire from the frog to the HFJ controller.

My question is can I just drill hole through the roadbed etc. and feed a wire maybe a 22g through small hole thats cast into the frog on the Atlas turnout and solder the wire to it or is there more involved?

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