E-Mail Hacked
nachoman Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:Yeah, I had the same thing happen to my Yahoo address about a year ago. Fortunately, I only use it for subscriptions and didn't have any addresses (other than my own) in the address book, so very few people got spammed because of it. I changed my password and kept the account and haven't had any problems since then.

I have always wondered what the purpose of all that spam is. It is obviously spam - does anyone actually fall for tat junk? Seems like there is an easier way to steal money rather than hack email accounts. The risk of getting caught is probably lower, though.
These guys work on a very small percentage. Let's say the send out 1,000,000 spam emails and 100 people respond. Out of that, five people actually buy something, or send money in hopes of getting rich. That's a response of .001%, and .0005% that are actually taken in. Suppose four out of five only send in $50 each to buy something worthless, like fake drugs, and the other falls for that "get rich" Nigerian scheme to the tune of $10,000. That's not a bad days pay. the odds may be even lower, but one person can send out more than a 1,000,000 spam message a day at no additional costs to them.

My main email address has wound up in the hands of a spammer, probably from invading one of my friends address books. I now get at least 5 to 10 offers a day to buy Canadian meds. There has to be someone that responds to these emails, otherwise they'd do something else to scam us out of our money.
Don (ezdays) Day
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