What's the deal with DCC?
P5se Camelback Wrote:Ground-breaking innovation is never well-received until after it's wildly accepted by the buying public!

Good point. Innovation does take someone willing to ignore conventional wisdom and have enough faith in their new idea to say "damn the torpedoes - full speed ahead".

Some of these people will create markets where no market existed before and makes piles of money. But most will fall flat on their face, spending a lot of their time and money on developing their idea, only to see it not take off. And some will have the right idea, but be unfortunate with their timing.

Lady Luck can (like most ladies) be hard to predict sometimes :-)

By all means - try to develop a multi-system universal wireless DCC throttle. It is a worthwhile idea. I am just not sure that it is quite as easy to do as it would be to develop yet another universal remote for stereos and TVs.


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