Need some help with Grades...
Hey Guys,

I appreciate everyones help in this thread. It is a 3% grade, I did it and it worked LOL. See the new thread I just started for the plan

21" between the Upper and Middle Decks, and 14" between the Lower and Middle Decks is what I decided upon....

Russ, you have certainly given me something to think about there. I have just finished adding in the grades and re-arranging to get them in, but now after reading your thoughts, its got me thinking again and I may have to give your idea a go... Thanks for your input and suggestions Misngth

Galen, First off thanks Misngth And to answer your question, I am trying to stay away from a helix as it will occupy far to much of the valuable Steel Mill Property Misngth

Ron, as Russ pointed out, an elevator would be cool but limit me to small short trains, something i dont think I could live with. I plan on running long trains, and when there going up the grades ill have 5-6 locomotives pulling, and maybe even more to get that heavy load up grade Misngth Thumbsup
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
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