Need Some Electrical Expertice
O.K., guys ... thanks for all your patient explanation! Between Russ and Don and Kevin and Gary I am actually starting to grasp the concept!

I should probably gather up the 10A Power supply and the Tekin battery charging stuff and pin a "for Sale" sign on the bulletin board in the new (4 month old) LHS that caters to R/C race cars. I was there two days ago to buy a package of Plastruct strip stock (for roof ridge joint bracing) and the tow mid-twenties guys working in there were not exactly the picture of outgoing and friendly -- it was almost a chore for them to ring up my sale! I'll order on-line from now on unless it's an emergency!

If it were my shop, and it was called to my attention that an employee had found it to be too much trouble to engage a customer in conversation, get to know his name, identify his interests (especially if it's 4:30 PM and no one else is in the store) and invite him to come back again, you would get your one-and-only warning to wise up and to help build the business or not to bother coming in any more!

O.K. ... there you have it ... my esteemed thanks to all those who bothered to offer assistance to help another modeler understand electicity ... and my "I get so annoyed when ..." rant for the day!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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