And you think trains are EXPENSIVE!!
You ain't seen nuttin' yet as far as a costly hobby. I was poking around on E Bay looking for more 1/64 cars when I spotted a 48 Buick with a buy it now price of 345 .00 BUCKS. I just had to see this , must be a mistake ---- NOPE it was real . It was a 1/43 model from some outfit called Motor City , still thinking it had to be wrong I looked at the guy selling it. He had a big feedback number & that Motor City stuff seemed to be all he had AND he had SOLD A BUNCH of them --- Many for over 1000.00 DOLLARS -- for a 1/43 scale car . I can't even get my head around how a 4 inch long mass produced ( even in limited editions they are mass produced) diecast car can fetch 1500 dollars as one Packard ambulance did.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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