Good things come in narrow packages
Hey, thank you everybody! Thumbsup I hope that this layout thread is at least as enjoyable as the first one. The vision of the layout is pretty much set, but I would still like us to bounce ideas off each other when possible. Wink

Goals of this layout:

1. FUN! (that is always my #1 mrring Misngth )

2. BELIEVABILITY (prototypical is the direction I'm heading, but some times, "I just want what I want") :oops: Wink

3. TRY AND MAKE 1FT DEEP SEEM LIKE MUCH MORE. :? (we'll cross that bridge when we come to it)

4. DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS. (I never got around to all the subtle details that really set scenes apart)

5. TRY NEW THINGS! (see #1)

6. CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!! (I am on a small fact you really can't call it a budget, it's more like using the change under the sofa cushions) :oops: Goldth
Keeping this in mind, I will be doing everything I can to keep this whole project as inexpensive as possible....within reason (I won't be making my own ground foam)......LOL! Goldth. I will be using my old turnouts and since this is a narrow shelf, I will be saving loads of $$$ on benchwork! Thumbsup

Speaking of shelf height.............we were speaking about that right?
The research that I have done would seem to suggest that "arm pit" height works great for narrow shelf layouts. I would like to keep it on the high side but if practicality dictates otherwise, I am flexible. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts they would care to share? Remember, it is 1ft deep and ops oriented. Thanks Thumbsup

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