getting back into MRR
I know less is better ;-)
there are 4 visible cogs- I applied a `wiped off drop' to each- barely enough to dampen each of the cogs in a single tooth
dont think that is the cause of my rail blackening as the cogs arent directly in line with the rails anyway
it was surprising how little made a difference to the running tho
I am surprised that such little (060) shunters run so well and consistantly (after being lubed)

the headlight I have found (after pulling one apart (already LOL))
isnt a led- its a 12v bulb into a light tube

thats gunna go - quick smart...

I want to turn this

[Image: 80.jpg]

into this

[Image: 2869207733_26ca38bd1a.jpg]
photo by dunedoo
it wont have the side pushrods, but apart from that I want to copy the originals as closely as possible
roof beacons and headlights (micro leds should fit I think- just have to figure out how to make them constant brightness and operating all the time (I'm using dc- so that will be interesting- altho I have some ideas with high frequency ac superimposed on the dc should work)

glad I am used to working with surface mount electronics- scratch building in N is going to be `interesting'- certainly will be fun
poopsie chicken tush

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