Scratchbuild - Another Bridge Project
Gus: The workbench seems to be in a constant state of flux. As I work on projects, the clutter steadily grows to the point that I cannot take it any more, then I spend 3 hours cleaning up. For awhile, it is a wonderful place to work, but here we go again, the clutter begins to build..... and around n' around we go! Now, the disgraceful thing is that my workbench has the potential to be a very organized place - because I have a place where everything goes. But I am too lazy to put stuff back as it is used, and before long, I can't find anything and my 10 square foot workarea has shrunk to about 1 usable square foot.

Galen: My first thought was to use real wood, but styrene has always seemed easy to work with, and I knew there were techniques for making it look like wood, and thus my choice. I spent a bit of time experimenting the other day to see what I could do on the faux-wood. Here are some samples, they turned out somewhat satisfactorily.



Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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