Yet another Norwegian signing in
Well, as much as I'd like to take credit for your "creative juices boiling", I must admit that if it weren't for my friend Stein and some sketches made by Iain Rice, I probably wouldn't have come up with this solution for my framework at all.

I have a very limited space for a layout, and to make the most out of it I need to be creative. My first layout was a tabletop layout measuring 105x185cm (about 3'5"x6'1") on wheels, where the top frame could tilt vertically for easy storage (some pics here: This layout never got finished, I sold the framework to another member on that forum, and started searching for other possibilities.

Knowing I was searching for a space saving and light weight construction, Stein gave me some tips on where to look. I found some sketches in Iain Rice's book "Small, smart and practical track plans" and the MR article "Rocue Bluffs, a Maine seaport", also written by Iain Rice. "Shelf layouts for model railroads" also includes the same concept.

When Stein started to rip out his old benchwork and replace it with sections built in the same manner (somewhat simplified and with 2" foam on top), I decided to give it a try, and so far it is very promising. The first section weighs only 3.2kg (7lbs) as it is now, and it's suprisingly sturdy.


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