Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Justinmiller171 Wrote:Well.... The other day I visited EVERY hardware/home improvement store in the area and NONE had the type of foam I need. Curse

I guess I will have to just place the track directly on the benchwork, That should work out okay.
I know that feeling all too well Justin! Around here, all you can find around here is 1/2 or 3/4 inch extruded foam insulation. No one carries it in 1 or 2 inch thicknesses, nor will they order less than 20 sheets.

Putting the track directly on your hollow core door bench work should work just fine. There is no hard and fast rule that says you have to use the foam, just because Joe Schmoo uses it. Looking around at the layouts the guys on here have build, you can find plenty of examples where they didn't use foam and they look just great. cnw1961's 58th St., Miami layout is a perfect example:

I put 1/2 inch foam on my bench work and about the only advantage has been is that it has made temporarily pinning down track for testing and operating proposed plans easy. If I was designing a layout that would include a bridge or two and scenery below track level - I wouldn't go the foam route to build it, but rather elevate the sub roadbed to the needed height. As it is with the 1/2 inch foam, I can carve drainage ditches along the track in places and contour the terrain slightly.

I've finally settled on a track plan that I like and am satisfied with. Have temporarily pinned down the track and been operating it some tonight. So far, it's working out great, so in a few days, I'll be starting on it for real.
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