High Speed Rail for Canada Symposium
Well, I'll jump in with an opinion.
True high speed rail requires a dedicated right-of-way, preferably with no level crossings. It may be practical for areas of high population density, but in Canada, most are too far apart, and I can't see there being sufficient need for such a service. I think that we're talking billions of dollars for a very limited system that, in all likelihood, would be under-utilised, and those of us out in the unserviced areas (most of Canada) would be unwilling to support such a scheme. Nope

The current plan to convert GO trains to electric locomotives is another high-speed plan that's also impractical. Stringing catenary along the busiest track in the country won't make the trains any faster, and even a dedicated line to get people to work 15 minutes faster won't cut it. The provincial government encourages population growth (a dumb idea to start with) then, after it has occurred, tries to shoe-horn in transportation solutions through the growth which they promoted. 35

If and when high speed rail becomes a viable idea, private enterprise will build it and do so without government assistance. It's either a money-maker, and will be built, or it's a money pit, and should not be built.


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