Ann Arbor RR Mt. Pleasant Branch
Over the weekend I was able to work on the layout in the area behind the diesel locomotive facility. Here the I-75 overpass provides a visual "end" to the layout.

The Rix Products highway overpass has been weathered. A BLMA modern billboard now sits next to the roadway. To compensate for the height difference the billboard was mounted into a 5/16" brass tube. Below the overpass is a strip of steel wool (a technique outlined in Lance Mindheim's books) to simulate scrub and a distant tree line.

Here is an overall view of the scene as it looks now: [Image: 14210687692_d8f4aab0b6_c.jpg]HESR Shelf Layout Contruction by dangaken, on Flickr

Here is shot that shows the weathering of the roadway. Weathering was done with chalks sealed with dullcoat. The street markings are Microscale decals (available as a custom run through Micromark). Initially, the decals looked good but did not take the dullcoat well and are curling in some places. [Image: 14026451208_fd2dc89e58_c.jpg]HESR Shelf Layout Contruction by dangaken, on Flickr

Here is a shot of the BLMA modern billboard. I think it's a great model. I've added a custom sign for the Euclid Ave. McDonalds, I thought a sign with a specific exit would help establish the location of the layout. [Image: 14026449579_19ac85a8a9_c.jpg]HESR Shelf Layout Contruction by dangaken, on Flickr

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