Trinidad Benham Corp
Sumpter250 Wrote:Just for grins and giggles, that Trinidad Benham Corp. building ------ if modeled in HO scale ---- would be about 12 feet long !!!!! Eek ( assuming those are 40' cars, if they are 50' cars the length goes to 18' in HO )
This is one of those scenes where a little "judiciously applied" selective compression might be mmm...."helpful ?"
The structure in La Vergne, TN, is indeed a whopper! That's one reason that I was happy to find the facility in Chino, CA, where you'd only need to model the paved track area with a fence on three sides.

Some of their other facilities have structures that resemble grain elevators or feed mills with tall buildings and storage bins and that wouldn't be a good choice for an industry on the front edge of a layout. Incidentally, those covered hoppers are typically 54-56 feet in length.

In either case, some compression is certainly required. The track I have designated for this industry is 72 inches in length from the switch and that only allows me to have the two unloading spots with space between them for one car and one on each end for another car waiting to be unloaded. Does make for some interesting switching on a simple track arrangement.

One of my main industries, if modeled to scale length would have a structure 80 inches long with a siding 97 inches long! As it is, I've reduced the structure length to about 60 inches with a siding about 72 inches long and it still takes up a lot of space! Selective compression is the order of the day! Darn few rail served structures can be modeled to scale length in the space most of us have for a layout.
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