Switching Action at Mountain King Potatoes
Yesterday at lunch, decided to make a run through the industrial park to see if I could catch any trains. I was in luck. I got to see the Mountain King Potato factory being switched. I thought it would be fun and interesting to post some pics here and review what I saw. Heck, maybe it will even be informative for those of us who never worked on the railroad!

I drove up to the factory at the perfect time. The incoming loads were sitting on the spur, just about to make their move.

First, a google earth view and a bing view, which I have photoshopped the rollingstock to match the situation. There are 2 tracks at the plant, both for unloading of potatos, which are shipped in reefers. I'll refer to the track closest to the building as Track 1, and the outer track as Track 2. Each track has 5 unloading spots for a total of 10. Track 2 had all five spots taken with empty reefers. Track 1 had 2 empties. There were 6 loads coming in. The job was to pick up all 7 empties and set out all 6 loads.



Here are the empties waiting to be picked up:


And the loads waiting to be set out:
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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