Thoughts and memories
ngauger Wrote: ... the Original 2004 Requisition is for an Incandescent Light Bulb (100W)... By the time the ten years is up, only Fluorescents will be available ...

... and I hope he doesn't break any of those new flourescent ones! As you may or may not know, they have Mercury in them. If you break a fluorescent tube at Home Depot, the area must be cordoned off, and it is declared a hazardous waste site. The person designated in cleaning it up has been trained in "Hazardous Waste Removal" and must wear special gear to remove the broken glass. Nothing can be done about the Mercury vapor which has escaped into the environment, and for some unknown reason, none of the tree huggers seem to care. They're more concerned with carbon-dioxide, which, by the way, is produced at a rate of approximately 2.3 pounds (1 kg) of carbon dioxide per day per each person currently still breathing :o Confusedhock: , and some sort of emission "given off by the incandescent bulb," the same terrible, dangerous technology that has been lighting our homes without incident since the day good old Tom Edison had a "bright" idea and folks began to stop burning oil and kerosene to illuminate their dimly-lit evenings!

But where are the big bold warnings on the twisted-flourescent "bulb" packages? And how ironic is it that they are TWISTED? 357 8-)

Don't believe me about the Mercury vapor?

Open a fresh window and the open Google (or whatever you favorite "information-look-up site" is) and ... LOOK IT UP !

Sorry ... you hit one of my Pet Peeves!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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