Easy small hill
This is the 1st and only hill I build so far.

1) I use paper wads ( made into a pillow shape ) stacked to build the terrain contours.
When satisfied with the shape, use masking tape to hold the paper wads in place.

I build cardboard templates of the rocks and hot glued them on the paper wads.
That avoids having to fill big gaps when adding the molded rocks

[Image: rock2-1.jpg]

2) Cut some about 4" by 8" sections of plaster cloth, dip each one for 10 seconds in water and start to cover the paper wads.
The plaster cloth sections must overlap.
Let dry for 24 hours

[Image: plaster2-1.jpg]

3) Spay the flat face of the prepainted rocks and the plaster cloth terrain where the rocks will be attached with water , apply some lightweight hydrocal on the back of the rock and press into place.

[Image: Paintedrocks.jpg]

4) ( No pictures for those steps )
- Using your fingers, apply a thin coat of Sculptamold on top of the plaster cloth to smooth and reinforce the contour.
-When dry, apply some tan latex paint on the Sculptamold and let the paint dry

5) Working by section, apply a white glue ( 8 parts ) and water ( 2 parts ) mixture on top of the painted Sculptamold and sprinkle the low ground cover ( blended turf, dirt etc.. )
-When dry, spray with Scenic Cement ( or 1 part white glue and 5 parts water ) to fix the low ground cover and sprinkle some coarse turf.
-When dry, using some pure white glue add talus and clump foliage.

[Image: rock2.jpg]


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