Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
Sumpter250 Wrote:Jonte, Welcome Welcome Cheers Welcome Welcome
I think you will find this forum a much better place to present your ideas, progress, and photos, than any blog.
Sorry, but the word "BLOG" strikes me as about as impressive as the word "BULB" .......say either one several times and the sound becomes almost comical. Here, you will get acceptance, recognition, praise, and maybe even a little " try it this way next time" encouragement.
I've been in model railroading for over fifty years now, and Big Blue is the most comfortable, "hometown-like" place I've yet found. So, come in, impress, be impressed, teach, learn, and just be part of the community, that is the model railroading hobby.
Welcome Welcome Goldth Goldth
...................and you can post pictures "right here" with your comments for each one.

Thank you Sumpter250 for the warmest of welcomes Cheers

I think you're probably spot on about directing my activities towards 'Big Blue' as there is a obviously wider appeal for my subject and much more for me to glean.
With regard to your opinion regarding blogs, they're not really my cup of tea either. However, I just felt a little awkward about offering my meagre attempts for public gaze. :oops: As you rightly point out, not everybody's going to see a blog, so for me it was like a safe haven.

However, after your very generous words of encouragement, I feel much easier about the whole thing and shall, therefore, take your advice and abandon my blog (guess it was the shortest blog in history being less than 24 hours old Icon_lol ) and post any and all developments here. I've nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Glad to be aboard,

Jonte Thumbsup

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