Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
Russ Bellinis Wrote:The prototype would probably not run a locomotive through a building due to the exhaust smoke. There are some buildings in the LA area with tracks running into them. but generally they use empty freight cars as idlers to push loads in or pull empties out, or vice versa. What is quite common in LA are two or three story buildings like that one with a second one of similar height & design across the street or across the tracks with an enclosed pedestrian bridge spanning the space between on the second or third story depending on how much clearance is needed. You could do a second building next to the first with a pedestrian bridge over the tracks running between the buildings. The pedestrian bridge would tend to hide the entrance and exit of the train from the modeled scene

That's extremely helpful, Russ Bellinis, thank you. If you've been following this drivel thinly disguised as a 'blog', you'll know that the mainline and an adjacent track (the one I had earmarked for the entry into the archway) has only a 6' way between them. Because of this, I'd have to put both rails appearing from under the arch - I'd had plans of widening the arch (of the bridge kit I was going to use as a basis for this project) to accomodate them - not really what I wanted admittedly, but thought that the bonus would be that the lead into the fiddle yard would be hidden. However, in light of what you've said, that rather scuppers my plan somewhat. Funnily enough, that very thought had already occurred to me so I thought perhaps I would be pushing the envelope here. When Bil supported my idea, my plan was then only to have the siding disappearing into the arch, not the entry onto the layout for the mainline too - which he'd probably have frowned upon as well Nope .

I shall just have to give this a little more thought, but I sincerely thank you for preventing me from compromising my project at such an early stage in proceedings and preventing yet another false start.

Jonte Smile

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