Black Bear Arch Bridge
Yes, another bridge thread. This one's a kit, however. Spent some hard-earned hobby swag on what seems to be a great product from Black Bear Construction Company and decided to document the progress here.

I have always had a fancy for the SS Ltd 'Dinky Creek' arch bridge, and this one has all the charm but at a fraction of the price - AND it comes with its own jig.

Here are some photos of what you get when you buy the kit. First, all the plan & instructions all layed out on my portable workbench. Supercool coffee mug not included.


Next, the hard resin jig:


This template is included as an overlay for your NWSL chopper or equivalent miter cutting device:


Finally, an end-on shot of the bundle of strip wood:


You can purchase either the jig or the materials pack separately, or together as I did.

I had been looking for a small truss bridge to fit a short location. Nothing from Campbell seemed to fit the bill and I didn't want to either kitbash one of their bridges or scratchbuild to fit the location. I had resigned myself to using an old Tyco bridge - heavily modified for better realism and less recognition as a cheap plastic toy train set bridge, but was still not happy with the heavy look. This little gem fits the bill quite nicely (and just barely - it's almost too wide...almost!).

Today after reading through the destructions and checking the parts/materials, I stained the stripwood and ties (not included) that I'll use on the bridge itself. The kit includes enough material to make trestle bents for the ends, but I'll be mounting the bridge directly on the abutments.

More to come after I begin assembly.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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