Big Blue is two weeks old
When Mikey and I decided we needed to go back to our roots and revive the intimate and friendly train forum that we once had, we talked about what we might expect to see over the first few months. We thought maybe we'd get 50 to 100 old friends to sign up, we'd have a few mods follow us and we'd see just a few posts every day, with these things growing over time. Well, we initially though we might be a bit over staffed, but we couldn't turn away from the fact that just about all our mods wanted to join us here. Then, none of us expected the rousing success of opening day. We officially opened two weeks ago today. By then we had over 100 members signed up during our "soft" opening. We've had around 150-200 posts over the holidays, but we've averaged over 300 posts a day and we've now got over 160 members, not counting our staff. We are in fact, busier than we were on our "former" forum. There we were averaging less than 200 posts a day, and that included those in the card modeler's forums and a lot of spam junk as well. We saw a steady decline in posting on that forum, each time a new change came about, and we knew that wasn't healthy.

Well, as you can see, we are not overstaffed, and to be sure, we are super pleased that we not only have most of our old mods, but we now have staff with us that we previously lost because of changes on the old forum. to top that, we have many old friends returning that left us because of those same changes. To say that we're delighted doesn't cut it, we are ecstatic over the reception we've had here. This proves three things, less is better, you don't screw around with the basic things that brought people together in the first place, and lastly, we know now that we did the right thing.

We thank all of our mods for having the confidence in what we were doing to come along with us, we thank our many friends and members for joining us as well, and we thank the new faces we see here, all of which tells us we are on the right track. We look forward to this coming new year to us once again having the best train forum on the Net. We had it once, we will have it again.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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