Train Derails in Tornado
Ralph Wrote:So, you might know all day that things could get hairy...but when they actually do you might not have a lot of time to duck and cover!

True! I get the NMRA magazine and in the editors piece was a description of damage that the HQ and some employees houses received on the same day .

In the case of the employee, they took care of the damage that was done to the main building by a smaller tornado, but were warned that nastier weather was on it's way later that day. She drove home safely through the detritous that was strewn about, then took shelter with her family in the bathtub (no basement). After a couple of hours, the threat seemed to have abated, she took her kids to another room to get them ready for bed, and happened to look out the window and saw a wall of blackness. She screamed run!, grabbed the kids, got back in the tub and shut the bathroom door. Moments later, there was some very loud racket, then silence.

She opened the door of the bathroom - the remainder of her home was gone. Wow.

So you get warning, but you may not get warning!
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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