CSX F40PH Nscale Build
#9999 Has it's dull coat on! Just a light or two, some weathering, and a/c units installed...and that's it! 2285_

My great thanks to you guys for visiting and watching this project. I've appreciated all the comments and thoughts. Cheers

Catt - The plows are BLMA "small" snow plows...and look very close to the Amtrak originals. The MU hoses are also BLMA produced...as will the A/C unit over the cab (when it finally arrives at my LHS.) I removed the hook-style coupler that came on the original LifeLike F40PH completely from where it attached on the truck, then replaced it with Microtrains assembled coupler. I hand-drilled a pilot hole and very carefully inserted the screw into the bottom of the frame (for the pilot coupler) and into the bottom of the porch (for the rear coupler). My hope is to remove both and replace them with an assembled Zscale Microtrain coupler. I think that would really help "sell" the look and appearance of these two units. If you look really, really hard at the rear shot of both units, you can see a small yellow bump on the porch by the door...that's the very top of the screw. It almost unnoticeable just looking at the engine and a compromise I decided to make when I first installed them several years ago (before they were banished to a storage box, then brought back out for this repaint). I should have glued on the coupler in hindsight. (Looking at the engine and how it compares to the Atlas Dash-8 next to it...I could clearly add more details to these F40PH's.)

[Image: P1010058-1.jpg]

[Image: P1010060.jpg]

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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