Givens and Druthers
Actually I think this subject is bigger than one might think at first glance.....time,space,budget,experience, personel preferences are all things that are influenced by a myriad of factors. From my own personal experience my own personel rule when layout building is..." Less is more". By that I mean....for example, smaller baseboards are better than big baseboards, a smaller overall layout( that can be expanded in the future) is better than trying for a basement empire all at one go. Less trackwork in a given space is very often better than dense trackwork in the same space ( on many levels, from tracklaying,to ballasting to operating to electrical/mechanical faults)....etc. Etc......but thats just me.....I really think though that too often new folks just getting into the hobby get sucked into the build it big mentality and end up getting overwhelmed and leaving the hobby.

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