Progress Shots
Another item I found at the swap meet yesterday was a Revell sandhouse. The die work is from the 1950s. A few parts were missing (par for the course at a swap), and the original owner had started to brush-paint some of the detail, which didn't work very well (also par for the course). As soon as I got it home, I started preliminary airbrush work.
This is the view from the front. Not bad detail, sort of George Sellios ten years before his time! When I found it, I sort of knew I had a place for it, but I wasn't sure exactly where. I tested it out in a few places and discovered the best one is where it faces the other direction, but it's about 18 inches from the front of the benchwork here, and it doesn't matter a whole lot. It does fill the space very nicely.
So now I need to add some detail, trim paint, and weathering and blend it into the site.

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