2012 New Year's resolution challenge
ezdays Wrote:We all have those projects that either we’ve started and set aside for something more important, or we have those that we truly intend to start but haven't yet for one reason or another.

I call that a "layout"!!! 357 357 357 357 I lost the count of my false starts!!

When it's timeto design for the club layout it's easy, but at home, that's another thing!

In the last three year, I swear, I tried!!! Wallbang Does it counts as a challenge to design a track plan, build the benchwork and lay the track for a small shelf layout (about 10' x 1')??? If yes, count me in... Someone here just sparkled a lot ideas in my head with his industrial layout. Something "à la Lance Mindheim", but in cold northern Canada in the 50's.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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