Layout (room) tour, with lots of photos...
Galen, I had my brother-in-law weld-up some brackets from 1.5" angle iron. They'll be lag-bolted to the studs, and I plan on hanging 4' double tube fluorescent fixtures directly from them. The layout will sit directly atop the brackets - I'll be making the benchwork from 1"x2" pine, with a tabletop of 3/8" sheathing plywood, so it'll be fairly light.

The second level will also be supported at the point where it joins the existing benchwork, and again at all corners of the room. The front member across the aisle above Chippawa Creek will be 1"x4", so this section, supported at both ends and the rear, will require no brackets. Likewise, the upper staging area (atop the existing staging) will be support on three walls, with a post located at the approximate mid-point on the aisle side (corresponding to the steel post holding up the house).


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