Not only are there both facing and trailing point spurs at West Egg, with no runaround, but the headroom is limited, too, so everything has to be carefully planned. The first order of business was to set the AN box out of the way on the car float track, out of sight to the left. Then I had to get the D&H hopper out of the way, too, so I've set it on the Crosby Coal spur, but won't pick up Les's hopper until I've made several more moves.
With that done, I can pull the ACL gon from the West Egg team track:
And the team track, now empty, gives me enough headroom to move the MILW and RF&P boxcars into Oswego Manufacturing:
And now I can pick up the AN box off the car float lead and shove it into the team track:
Whew! Time for a break, and then I can finally get to Les's hopper!

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