Vulcan Iron Works Layout for sale
So essentially, to use American measures, you are asking $1300 for a 5 foot x 20" layout with four partial 1/24 scale buildings and H0 scale track, not including the very cool locomotives and cars , with it being necessary to pick the layout up in Paris, France.

Sounds a bit optimistic too me to expect to sell that layout (sans locos and rolling stock) for that amount on this forum (where most of the participants are living far away from France, and where most people are not modeling 1/24 scale on H0 scale rail - ie Gn15). I would expect that the actual layout would have a far bigger chance of selling on the Gnatterbox or something like that.

What are you asking for your locos and rolling stock - which presumably are far more transportable, and which seemingly can run on H0 scale track?


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