Kitbashing Bachmann 2-6-0 Alco into CNR
Hi folks!

Recently, Gene reviewed Bachmann 2-6-0 Alco in HO Scale and it became quite evident this model could offer excellent kitbashing opportunities.

Since the announcement of this product last year, I had myself thoughts about canadianizing this little versatile engine. The goal was simple : a small steamer equipped with DCC, sound and close enough to a real prototype to look right on the layout with minimal effort and investment. As Mies van der Rohe’s old saying goes : « Less is more ». With simple tools, little investment and junk box parts, let see what we can achieve.

First step : Find a suitable prototype

The most important thing is the model silhouette must be immediately associated with a real locomotive at first glance. Proportions and general placement of details are important and determining. It also keeps major modifications at bare minimum.

After checking all CNR 2-6-0 classes, it became quickly evident that class E-10-a was a serious contender. Roughly, engines #81 to #89 (at least) can be represented faithfully and many are still preserved so plenty high quality reference material is available readily on the web. The main concern is that Bachmann model has 56" drivers while the real thing got 63" ones. In fact, it shouldn’t bother you because drivers location and relationship with other locomotive parts is respected (last drivers partially under the cab, by example).

Also, domes, cab, stack, bell, generator, most railings, pilot and other details are correct both in style and size. Better, they are at the right location which is a good start. At this point, we know most features won’t need alteration. It should be noted that pump model isn’t the same one, it’s location isn’t exactly right and running boards aren’t at the right height. At this point, you can choose to modify them. I think they should be keeped because there was a lot of variation in a same class of engine, also, it would mean making alteration to the boiler and its cast on details, something that is bothersome…

A vintage picture from Keith Sirman's collection shows us in detail locomotive #88.

[Image: PortRowan-KS1.jpg]

It should be noted that when Green Mountain Railroad acquired #89 (now Strasburg Railroad), the engine was on the dead line and they had to rebuild a few things. For this reasons, many discrepancies exist now between the historic #89 and the preserved one. Be aware that running boards, pilot, stack, piping and tender were altered in many ways.

as it looked under CNR management :

And now, as preserved and restored by Strasburg Railroad:

My engine will be numbered #86 because it is less famous than its sister locomotives, but also because 1986 is the best year, the one I was bitten by the railway bug as a little 3-year old kid seeing a pair of CN M420 in my hometown.


Bachmann 2-6-0 is lightly detailed which, in some way, is a blessing (no needs to file down too much useless details).

1) Two steel bands made of styrene will be added to the boiler according to the prototype.
2) Most piping will be removed and rerouted through the pump.
3) Tanks will be relocated under the cab.
4) A new brass headlight with support, a styrene CNR « licence » plate and a scratchbuilt triangular numberboard will be added to the front.
5) A brass whistle with a styrene shielding will be added
6) Cab will receive new railing and sunshades according to CNR practice
7) Tender wings will be filed down to get the correct contour
8) A balsa coal bunker extension will be added
9) New headlight and railing to the tender
10) New set of decals according to prototype

Here's the preliminary modification specifications drawn over Gene's side shot of his own 2-6-0.

[Image: CNR2-6-0.jpg]


At this point, I’m not sure about my piping rerouting. Feels like somethings wrong. Also, what would be the piping on the other side? There’s also a tank, but no pump…

Hope you enjoy!

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