Building an Airbrushing Booth.
well as for an airbrush booth i hav built one in the past and it has gone under a few changes due to doing bigger work as i also do custom airbrushing on other media
here is how my little booth is set up i took a diy shop work bench the ones that has a drawer in it they run around 80.00 and work great for this. i took the top and cut it to fit a box fan in "to blow down" and same to the inside of drawer and placed the fan and screwed into the drawer. it took up 1/2 of the drawer so still have place to store what ever then get your self a filter and place it over the fan i also took a pice of window screen and made a frame for it to have a flat area to work on i then installed a light on the under side of the top shelf. and drilled 2 holes for my air hoses i drilled them a little smaller then a qiuck relese. and ran hoses to a manifold at the compressor. the good parts is the back of this you can put some hooks to old you guns and little bins to hold paint.
on my bench i took one corner and made a clean out booth for my guns i cut a hole to fit a 2 liter bottle for it is about 6-8 up and then i have some where to shot the color when i clean out the gun. i also have my paper towels hung on a roller .

as for paint any water base works great less smell
oil you have to deal with thinner.
craft paint you can get from hobby lobby just put a screen on the bottle
mix 1:1:1 paint, water, rubbing alchol
airbrush paint /many diff compenies "autoair,bagger,creative,house of kolor,ect.ect"
i use either autoair or creative.
but for when i do custom work i would use autoair,creativ,house of kolor.

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