Compact Steel Mill plan?
So in my never ending shuffle of railroad plans, I thought of possibly adding in a steel mill to my layout.

Quickie backstory: I bought a Blast Furnace and Coke Oven kit with the idea to somehow add them into the GERN industry area, give it a more industrial look. Then I started thinking why not just add a steel mill to the layout and use these kits for their intended purpose?

So here I am now, goggling around looking for track plans for steel mills, pictures, etc... But unlike most of these sites I find online, they have one thing I don't really have....Vasts amounts space. It seems most people dedicate a LOT of space to their mills. The area I would be putting the mill is about 6.5' long and about 12" deep. So it would have to be small, compact mill in a shotgun (straight line) configuration, with track entering into the area at the right of this area.

So I'm trying to figure out what would the best layout be for the plant? I'm thinking the Mill would contain three buildings: The Coke Oven, Blast Furnace, and a rolling mill. What's you're typical order of operation here? Maybe I don't need all 3 buildings?

I'm still reading up on Mills and what not, but thought I'd ask here to see what some folks who've possibly already modeled a mill would suggest to guide a "mill newbie" along.

Thanks yall.

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