New Memeber....
Yes man I remember you from the forums, SADLY my memory isn't all that great with your first name as we have talked over e-mail a bit on the electrics you were planning to mold....

As for the molding question, you will not ruin those! You are using the liquid silicone for the mold itself, right? The resin, is what will be poured into the liquid silicone mold, NOT to confuse the 2......

They guy that was telling you one thing, sounds like he was mis-understanding of what you were talking about!

I have made molds, for years, the liquid silicone does NOT harm the master copy, NO matter what it is made of! AND will NOT stick to ANYTHING, but itself.....So, I have to say the guy that had mentioned this to you was confused.....
~John AKA "Yellowstone" OR "EM-1"

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