Industry switching in Chicago
Oh don't get me wrong, I love the sound of the 567 but with the high pitch of the turbo on the GP20 after 12 hours, my ears would ring for a long time afterwards. As for hearing protection, if we're in the cab and the windows and doors are closed we don't have to have hearing protection on. If we're switching, and I have my head out the window watching my conductor or breakman I have hear protection on but like I said I don't have it jammed all the way in. The ear plugs the RR provides are the same as what you would use shooting a gun. Having use hearing protection for 2/3rds of my RR career, you get used to using it and how to use it and still comply with the rules. There was a time when the RR said ear plugs were dangerous but after a few law suits for hearing loss they change their rules. Litagation is a big driver of safety rules now.

Greg Elems

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