finally building layout
OK,i got the pics (finally!!!) but the camera i have is to crappy to get good quality pics so these ones you can get an idea of the stuff i've been building.
the t drum donkey still needs the rope around the drums:

[Image: myloggingtrain004.jpg]

here is the scratchbuilt sawfilers/blacksmith car:
[Image: myloggingtrain005.jpg]

[Image: myloggingtrain006.jpg]

[Image: myloggingtrain007.jpg]

this is a scrathcbuilt fuel oil filling station made from an old life-like tank car and crossing shanty.i still need to find pics of the type of tube on them used for filling the tenders :?:

[Image: myloggingtrain008.jpg]

[Image: myloggingtrain009.jpg]

here is the re-built flat,also a life-like model.i either have to buy some stirrup steps or try making my own out of wire,which isnt correct as the steps are supposed to be flat,not round.

[Image: myloggingtrain017.jpg]

here it shows the deck detail (kinda Misngth ) that staining and building the deck piece by piece can give you.its give a rdomness to the deck that scribing or styrene can never match.

[Image: myloggingtrain014.jpg]
Women may not find you handsome,but they'll atleast find you handy--Red Green
C&O ALL THE WAY--[Image: chessie.gif]

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