Bushwick Terminal
Mike, sounds like a really low budget start of this railroad :mrgreen: .

No progress on the layout itself, but I got my new flatcars yesterday and I need lumber loads for my centerbeams. So that is what I did today.

[Image: bt25.JPG]

After doing the graphics I printed them out and cut out 43.5 mm wrappers for the lumber bundles in the middle and 60 mm long wrappers for the ends.

[Image: bt15.JPG]

I used 8 mm thick balsa wood for the bundles and cut it to 13 x 254 mm pieces.

[Image: bt16.JPG]

I glued two thin cardboard strips to the balsa, because I wanted the bundles a bit thicker than 8 mm (8.7 mm) and then I cut grooves into two sides of the strips (front and bottom) to simulate individual lumber bundles.

[Image: bt17.JPG]

Then I glued the wrappers to the front of my balsa strips.

[Image: bt18.JPG]

Next I wrapped them around the top and the ends and cut the paper to fit.

[Image: bt19.JPG]

I pressed the paper into the grooves in the balsa strips using the sharp side of my blade.

[Image: bt20.JPG]

These are the 13 x 1 mm pieces that go between the stacks.

[Image: bt21.JPG]

I glued them to the bottom of three of the balsa strips.

[Image: bt22.JPG]

Final assembly.

[Image: bt23.JPG]

If anyone wants to give it a try, here is a PDF-file of my graphics: http://www.cnw.mattheydesign.de/weyerhae...erbeam.pdf

[Image: bt24.JPG]

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