Building a modular home layout
I'm with Tim on this one. I've seen a lot of discussion on several forums whether one should use the term modular, sectional or maybe something completely different. Many people in the US (IMHO) seem to use the term modular much more liberally than in Europe, and here in Norway we are very clear about the various terms and the differences between them.

First, we have the pure modular approach, where any module can be connected to any other through their common standardized interface. This standard may include an official and approved modular standard such as FREMO, or may be limited to a club or perhaps only a few individuals (or one). Here I will also include substandard modules that may not meet all the requirements, with, for instance, sharper curves and shorter turnouts, but still have the same interface.

Second, we have the sectional layouts, which are designed to be disassembled and reassembled, but only in one specific configuration, and without a common interface at the section joints.

Third, we also have what I would call a cross between modular and sectional; the domino setup. Just like the domino chips, they use a limited number of interfaces for some variation in the setup, but it doesn't have the same posibilities as with pure modules.

There is nothing wrong in combining the various setups. A long module can be divided into smaller sections for easier handling, and station modules are the perfect examples of this. Furthermore, you can build parts of the layout modular or sectional (or both), and you can also build an in-situ layout with one or more connection interfaces for modular expansion.

Anyway, this discussion is a bit off-topic, but on a social forum like this, I think it might be nice to have a common understanding of the different terms in order to avoid misunderstandings and confusion. Smile

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