Sorry I just had to do this.
Ordinary batteries die because, if they aren't used, the light slowly leaks out of the minute holes and joins in the metal casing around the outside. Rechargable batteries are different - look at an AAA size or AA size one - on the top is a little round knob sometimes marked with a + sign. If you are lucky a leccy store will have suitable size keys for sale ( different size keys fit the different size batteries) but they may be sold out because the keys are in very high demand. You take the key, place it over the knob, and wind it up clock-wise - it normally takes between 100 -200 full turns to wind the clockwork spring behind the light reservoir to get it wound tight enough - but once that's done you are good to go! They also sell "chargers" that you plug into a wall socket, but that is for lazy or weak people, just to power the motor in the charger unit that winds up the battery for you - so you don't get aching wrists, and people give you knowing looks when you complain about it! :o

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