Dawson Creek Subdivision - British Columbia Railway - H0
Hi there,
thanks a lot for the kind comments. Not so much progress here. I started painting the two structures for wrights food service. I cut out a base from plywood and glued the tracks down.I could use this as an diorama and will add some paint to the tracks and also some basic groundcover,soon. Maybe I´ll give ballasting a first try. I can do that on my workbench.
[Image: 7O8BrP9eyeGEWkLluKvyTgM_YET0PR7g6VRbhGtW...41-h755-no]

[Image: CLJeJ9l7wRuj9jSch1sxi2jzYGS_bH7NVE4hkrAp...41-h755-no]
Grocery warehouse

[Image: 8xnteO2u0Cs6OJuisTb_RDRtm_DetguAwsJqKRDy...41-h755-no]
cold storage

[Image: GpEaAdk9Svhg3Jps9KXQfhPs_pnUBfbZ7WEmF8VG...41-h755-no]

[Image: 50SfWqkZjS0Nn9MpMuKV8zI6qk76KcwqL5iXSTYL...41-h755-no]
The warehouse is painted an off white and will be get some light weathering,the metal siding on the upper wall and the doorframes will be painted blue.

[Image: la86DF5TWYDU8_kZq31Nm4LviaGuoasRN4Wr8ku1...41-h755-no]
This is how the front wall of the cold storage will look with the brick inserts.

Next are two other small structures found on google maps. The first one is a small woodworking company called Mike´s Custom Woodworking. It´s made from Pikestuff walls with a rollupdoor and two doors. Painted the same color like Wright´s warehouse but will get some more weathering.The lot in front of it will be made from Woodland Smooth it.A fence will go around the building with a tree behind it and some details will be added to the roof.
[Image: WRULZEwr5811OgBEU4rze9wZNodAAiZJNul5YrEN...41-h755-no]

On the other side of the street we will find A & C Cylinder Head Rebuilders , a small company specialized in rebuilding engine parts....Painted blue from spraycan I used a structure found on Google maps for reference. The lot and street will be made from Smooth it and both buildings are placed on a base from Modur foam.
[Image: cv0aMnV_XwY84yGU8EDvZ4tboVRR5Zsk-euAMWHt...41-h648-no]

and the model
[Image: iMqt9kKeycy4tcQLr_M333gCHmS9v_mEBfPZwGrH...41-h755-no]
[Image: 7ByQ6shZVoaU4AmG7D6K_mmFjGBGvG0EM7Mb7vn5...41-h755-no]

I started another project on another part of the layout with redoing the northwestern wood preservers mill but this will be described in one of my next updates. Here is a picture of the new plan.........
[Image: xp7J9RfevTA7FLdOtkEp142TKO0Bed1MqU5ezyDX...vw=s771-no]
For now there´s nothing more than this plan. The old tracks are gone and stored for the new version.

Thanks for looking,any comments are very appreciated.

Building the BC-Rail Dawson Creek Subdivision in H0 scale http://bigbluetrains.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=7835

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