Building the roundhouse at Mount Forest...
I've built and installed the smoke collector hoods....

[Image: 100_7798.jpg]

...and need only mask the floor of the roundhouse so it can get the second interior colour applied....

[Image: 100_7800.jpg]

I'll also mask the top side of all the top members of the roof framing, as they're also due for a coat of paint.  Since the roof pieces will be cemented to the framing, it's important that those surfaces are paint-free.  I haven't yet decided if the underside of the roof will get paint after it's in place - probably not, as there'll be too much framing, along with the smoke hoods, in the way.

Once the roof is attached to the framing, I'll be able to add flues from the hoods to the roof-top smoke jacks.


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